Our Team

Cindy Hruza

When Cindy Hruza was 10 years old, she planned a Disney World vacation without telling her parents. When the paperwork started arriving unexpectedly at her family’s door, her parents were so surprised that they ended up taking the trip.

That started a lifelong love affair with the magic of Disney. Cindy has been to Disney World over 60 times. She’s eaten at almost every restaurant, visited all properties throughout the resort system, and shepherded friends and family members ranging in age from 14 days to 92 years—and counting. She prides herself on exceptional customer service.

Certified Travel Consultant

Emmy Hruza

Emmy Hruza brings an environmentalist, vegetarian lens to her Disney work and play. She’s worked in conservation and early childhood education. The beneficiary of her mom’s Disney trip planning prowess from a young age, Emmy has seen—and loves to share—the power of a well-planned, multigenerational trip.

Certified Travel Consultant